It’s pretty easy to find lists of the most violent cities in the United States, but they are never broken down by race, and well, it’s not hard to figure out the racial patterns judging from which cities are always at the top.
The data for compiling these lists usually comes from the FBI, but the CDC also collects data on deaths by homicide, and they include racial information on the deceased. Sadly, the public data available from the CDC is only broken down at the county level, so that’s what I’ll use. I’ll also average over the last 10 years to obtain more reliable homicide rates.

Jackson County, MO, is part of Kansas City Metro
Detroit is the seat of Wayne County, Michigan
East St. Louis is a city in St. Clair County. It is directly across the river from Downtown St. Louis
Maybe Jefferson Davis parish should change its name and abolish the police, I bet that would do wonders for its homicide rates.

Roswell is in Chaves County
Wyandotte, KS is part of the Kansas City metro area
The Hispanic population of York city in York County, PA increased by 77 percent from 2000 to 2010 .

McDowell county borders Kentucky in the poorest part of rural Appalachia