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Homicide Ratios

A post with a bunch of quick charts comparing the homicide rates of various races and ethnicities by age and sex. I’m including charts to compare the five years from 2002-2006 with the ones from 2013 to 2017, because as you can see in the second to last chart, there was a big drop in the Hispanic homicide rate that didn’t occur among other races/ethnicities.

Raw homicide rates by age:

age sex rates02 06

Are there racial differences in age at which boys experience puberty? Cause there seems to be a clear pattern where Blacks start earlier than Hispanics, who start earlier than Whites and Asians.

age sex rates13 17

Now we can plot the homicide rates as a ratio of the white rate (=1). It’s striking how the ratios for women are roughly constant, only a little bit lower during childhood, while there are major racial differences after puberty.

age sex ratio02 06

Most of the drop in homicides among Hispanics seems to have happened among men younger than 25.

age sex ratio13 17

I’m surprised that Asian males used to be more violent than White males back in early 2000’s. (My apologies for being lazy and not filtering the 9/11 deaths by terrorism, so please ignore the big dips in Black, Indian and Hispanic ratios)


year ratio

Maps of Homicide Ratios

black map ration

hispanic map ration

indian map ration

In some states Whites have lower homicides than Asians, Minnesota and Wisconsin probably have more violent Asians than Whites ‘cause of their Hmong populations. And what’s the matter with Kansas?

asian map ration


Hispanic Female


Native American Female


Note that the single race categories in death certificates don’t allow for individuals of mixed race/ethnicity (unless they are classified as other). Information about the race and Hispanic ethnicity of the decedent is reported by the funeral director as provided by an informant, often the surviving next of kin, or, in the absence of an informant, on the basis of observation.

August 6th, 2020

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