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Drug-Induced Deaths in 2019

A lot has been said about how deaths of despair have disproportionately affected the White working class, but at least when it comes to drug-induced deaths Black Americans have caught up and now die at the same rates as their White counterparts. Note that drug-induced causes don’t include alcohol deaths which are tallied separately.

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

Black death rates had been almost flat until 2014 when they started rising at an accelerating passe, while White rates have stagnated since 2018.

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

Map of White Deaths

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

Map of Black Deaths

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

The South is where White deaths exceed Black death rates.

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

San Francisco is the deadliest counties for Blacks and according to various media reports 2020 was even deadlier. Thank you Kamala Harris.

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

Kamala Harris

Unlike homicides drug-induced deaths follow the same patterns as White ones when grouped by urbanization

Yearly drug-induced deaths by race

December 23rd, 2020

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